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We specialized in



  • Substance Abuse (ODADAS Certified) Intensive and Non-intensive Outpatient Treatment


  • Anger Management 

           (group and individual)


  • Stress and Trauma


  • Attachment and Bonding


  • Intensive Parenting

            (group and individual)


Love Based


Anger Management

Anger management is training for temper control and is the skill of remaining calm. It has been described as deploying anger successfully. Anger management programs consider anger to be a motivation caused by an identifiable reason which can be logically analyzed and if suitable worked toward. Some popular anger management techniques include relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, problem solving and improving communication strategies


The goal is to lead an anger-free life. Anger is an emotion the person feeling it can respond to. People get into trouble because they don't know enough to keep their cool. They can learn to respond to their anger as unwanted rather than react to its cause. Forgiveness is a tool to turn anger off.

Getting enough sleep is a tool for preventing anger. Professionals who deal with those who have trouble managing anger include mental health counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists.

Substance Abuse

New Visions has over 25 years of experience treating those who are suffering from the misuse of substances, primarily drugs and alcohol.

We continue to witness successful recovery outcomes with our clients who were once in a complete state of hopelessness of mind, body and spirit.



  • Assessments

  • Drug Screening

  • Outpatient

  • Intensive Outpatient (IOP)

  • Aftercare

  • Individual Counseling

  • Parent and Family Support



Addiction Treament

While drugs, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine first come to mind, addiction takes many other forms as well. Infidelity, pornography, internet addiction and excessive spending are addictions that hit families particularly hard. Addiction prone children often begin with nail biting, excessive masturbation, cutting, lying and/or stealing. Compulsive gambling, overeating, working, and many others help to round out the list.


We believe that a child, adolescent or adult in emotional pain often reaches toward a substance, an activity, or a person that he or she has learned can be counted on to kill the pain, to numb the hurt. While we accept the traditional disease model, we also believe that ignoring past stress, neglect and trauma has led to high relapse rates and cross addictions. Unless the roots of an individual’s past (along with their stresses large and small) are brought into the light, true and full recovery will not take place


Child/Adolesence Counseling Parenting

Small Group Counseling

New Visions Offering Small Group Counseling session


Morning Groups and Evening Groups

• Local transportation provided to & from sessions
• Unlimited one-on-one counseling session
• Exclusive cirriculum designed to prevent relapse
• Rapid Resolution Therapy available
• Family sessions offered by appointment
• Groups are structured according to patient needs
• Experienced therapists on staff
• 24 hour patient hotline ( for current clients ).



  • Must have an Assessment prior to beginning.

  • Meets Mon., Tue., & Fri. eve. from 6:00 till 9:00 for an average of six-eight weeks followed by six-eight weeks of aftercare which meets once or twice weekly.

Adult,Couple and Family Therapy

Child Counseling and Parenting are listed together because they are intimately entwined. Both during and after child sessions are completed, parents remain the most important figure in the ongoing healing of their children.


For many children and adolescents, early attachment issues and trauma play a significant role. For these children, we must look under the surface misbehaviors, as bad as they might be, to the real underlying issues. The goal is not to blame anyone or anything, but rather to understand and see behaviors in a different light.


We do not work with children and adolescents without involvement of the parents/guardians. The reason is simple; children with severe behavior problems need different kinds of parenting techniques. Traditional parenting techniques often drive the child back into fear and result in even more difficult behaviors.


We empower parents to create the necessary healing environment for their child, their family and themselves.We ask every parent/guardian with a child in counseling to attend several seminars and Intensive Parenting Groups on dealing with difficult behaviors. 


Does your child have problems with:






Abusing Substances


Foster/Adoption Issues



Need Parenting

 help…with any age child?


Look no further, contact us today!

Every one of us has experienced stresses and traumas in our lifetimes which have not only gone unresolved, but may also be misunderstood or even ignored. They often impact our roles as parents and partners and our happiness and security as individuals. We believe that it is vital to begin expanding our awareness of our non-productive behaviors by taking a deeper look into their origins. Rather than continuing to prune back the leaves, is it time for you to search nearer to the root? We can help you explore the pathway from hurt to healing.










  •   Day, evening & Saturday hours by appointment



  •     Individual counseling beginning       with age 3

  • Couples Counseling

  •     Family Counseling

  •     Telephone Counseling




  •  Adolescent and Adult



  • Individual, Lectures, Classes



  • For Individuals, Couples & Parents





  • Most insurance, Medicaid, self-pay

  • Payment due at time of service

  • VISA and MasterCard accepted
Multi-Service Facility

© 2015 by New Visions Unlimited. All rights reserved

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